So if you stay current with the news, you know that these Australian DJ's called the hospital where Cinderella was staying due to a stomach flu. They somehow managed to get through and speak to Snow White's room nurse, and ask how she was doing. They were impersonating the queen with an awful fake accent, and it still worked.
Now, the second part of the story is that in the days following this, somehow the receptionist that transferred the phone call got so much backlash that she decided to kill herself. After this, the radio station got so much heat for it and people wanted them to be held responsible.
......... let me repeat that. People actually wanted to hold a radio station who made a ridiculous prank phone call responsible for this nut-job killing herself.
What the hell is wrong with people. It is not their fault that this girl had such horrible white people problems that she decided to off herself. If that is the worst thing you have done in your life, and you still want to kill yourself, I hope you at-least made it entertaining because either way I am going to laugh at you.
I know you shouldn't speak ill of the dead, but if you have read any of my other posts, you know that I am not normal and I firmly believe in survival of the fittest. If she couldn't take criticism for something so stupid, she probably wouldn't have lasted in the coming zombie apocalypse anyway.
The other ridiculous part to this is why is this Kate Middleton chick such a big deal. Is she too good to talk to everyday folk? Would she soil her knickers if she had to talk on a common mans phone?
Listen, Kate. You are nothing. You are a girl, who married a guy, and have accomplished nothing in life. You are not important. Whether you like the man or not, I am pretty sure if someone did that to Obama he would have picked up the phone and said, "I'm uh, doing good, uh I keep throwing up, and uh my poop looks like Ovaltine, but otherwise everything is uh great." The receptionist wouldn't kill herself, they would just send her hunting with Dick Cheney.
Princess' are overrated anyway. You did nothing to earn my respect and didn't accomplish anything to get that thrown you sit on. All you did was miraculously pop out of the right vagina. Good job on that.
Why was this chick at the hospital for the Flu anyway? I am not sure if they have some sort of super strain caused by ingesting excessive amounts of tea, but as far as I know if I drink some Gatorade and eat some soup, I'm good to go in like three days.
Just since we are on the topic of people that we found so stupid that we decided to break away from and form our own nation, why was everyone so obsessed with Princess Diana when she died. She was just another chick, from England, that NOBODY knew anything about until she broke her face that one fateful evening. Now that sucks she perished, but dude, everyone was crying and so sad and I just would like to know why.
What makes her life more important than the soldiers we lose everyday fighting to keep us safe? Or a police officer killed in the line of duty trying to get a murderer off of the streets? Nothing. She is actually nothing compared to these every day heroes that don't get any credit for the work they do day in and day out.
I am sick of celebrities getting so much attention and care and worry, when they have done nothing ACTUALLY IMPORTANT. If Snooki died tomorrow, there would be mourners leaving bottles of self tanner at her gravestone. And I would be hiding in the bushes, to pick everyone one of them off with a 50 cal.
There are three points I am trying to make here kids.
1. Lighten up. Stupid prank calls aren't a murder weapon. Just accept the fact that this lady was dumb and probably would have died soon anyway trying to cut the lawn or something.
2. Celebrities are nothing more than human beings like you and I. Quit putting them on such a high pedestal. I know a lot of athletes and actors etc. do a lot of charity work and I believe that is truly amazing, but they are just people.
3. Snooki is a grotesque whore who looks like a pig that rolled around in its own feces and has never made a single contribution to society, except for spreading her legs to get fist pumped where it really matters.
Still wondering you women still follow me,