If you stay current with the news or are a football fan, by now you know that Jovan Belcher, a player for the Kansas City Chiefs, shot and killed his baby momma and then drove to his teams practice facility and blew his brains out.
First, I would like to touch base on this momentarily. A lot of people have felt bad for this guy and saying the loss of two lives was tragic yidee yada blah. Wrong. The loss of his girlfriend and mother of his 3 month old daughter is tragic. The loss of a murderer who stripped a child from both of its parents is only tragic in the sense that he didn't get what he really deserved. Way to take the easy way out buddy.
With all of this going on, Bob Costas, a commentator for Sunday Night Football, used this story to get out his opinions on gun control by quoting a column written by Fox Sports columnist Jason Whitlock. He read, "If Jovan Belcher didn't possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today."
He used this to go on and give us all his own political opinion on gun control, essentially saying that guns are bad, mkay.
This whole argument pisses me off to such an extreme level, I almost want to stop eating Chick Fil a. (Wait... wrong issue.)
For all of you who believe that GUNS KILL PEOPLE.... please lock your doors so that one doesnt just hobble up your doorsteps and pull its own trigger. Better yet, go get one, and pull the trigger yourself. You are beyond ignorant and if you HONESTLY believe this, I HONESTLY hope you get AIDS.
What happened to personal responsibility? I am pretty sure if I go to Walmart right now and pull out the back of someones mullet, no-one is going to blame it on my hands, or the sheer temptation of pulling on a mullet. They are going to blame me. So why is it any different?
Should our soldiers not have guns? Our law enforcement? How about the gas station attendant that is stuck working 3rd shift in the hood to support his family?
Now some of you would probably argue with me saying something to the tune of "But Jake, if there arent any guns there is less crime blah blah blah." Shut up and put your head in the microwave. If criminals will break the law to murder, rape and steal, what makes you think they wont illegaly own a gun. "But Jake, they wont have a way to get any because it is ILLEGAL!?!?!?!! Jump off of a bridge, moron. Weed is illegal, and I know about 300 people who can access that quite easily.
You really think getting rid of guns will eliminate murder? In my opinion, its probably a good thing because honestly I would rather be shot and killed then stabbed, bludgeoned, or sat on by Chris Christie. If people are going to kill, they are going to kill whether it be with bullets or bananas. It doesn't matter.
So how about we agree on the fact that if someone kills someone, it is their fault, not the instrument they used. If you don't agree, I personally hope that one day someone breaks into your house and your unarmed self has nothing left to do but make a frowny face while you take a trip to whatever hell you believe in.
Common sense goes a long way people. Lets try using it from time to time.
I wish I could say sincerely,