Tuesday, March 11, 2014


So, I haven't had time to blog since January of last year, I guess... BUT...

  So many things have changed and I feel the need to say something, for the one or two people who may actually read this.
 I want to touch on a few things bothering me right now, I will make them as brief as possible.

Medical Marijuana. How is this still illegal? Honestly, how is weed still illegal???? I don't understand it. I could go on and on with the same arguments that you have heard a million times but there is no reason to beat a dead horse, unless it turns into a zombie... then you need to kill it... kill it with fire. However, I just keep hearing this whole Marijuana is a gateway drug and it is driving me insane.

THE ONLY REASON weed is a gateway drug is.... wait for it... still waiting to build the anticipation.... because it is FUCKING ILLEGAL.   I don't smoke weed, but I was a teenager once and lets just say I ate a LOT of Taco Bell. You put two and two together. It is four (incase you are stoned).  The only reason I ever tried anything besides weed was because my DRUG DEALER, my "weedman" if you will, said "Hey dude, you should try this." 


If it were legal you would get it at the god damned WEED store, not the WEED & MORE store.

I mean honestly, lets get over this crap. It could help so many miserable cancer patients, people with seizures etc. The only reason it is a problem is because of the ignorant dildos that watched Reefer Madness one too many times.

Next bitch fest... Why do we feel the need to ban everything that we have a small problem with. Lets ban guns. Hmmmm. So we may have 100 gun related deaths everyday (random statistic I made up for this post) but lets think about this logically. There are 360 MILLION people in this country, I say we are doing pretty damn good. The media is this country's worst enemy, don't let it get to you. What they failed to report was the shotgun that saved a mans family from a home invasion. Lets use some common sense.

Same thing goes with banning kids under twelve from having handheld devices... are you stupid? Let these kids parents decide how they want to raise their children. This is America, and the last time I fucking checked it was supposed to be about freedom.

I know, I know. You say "Jake, but if we don't ban everything people will make the wrong choices."

......NO SHIT.

This is reality, and people are stupid. Congratulations for realizing it is not a perfect world.

That kind of logic is like saying a girl who is a rape victim isn't at all to blame if she got hammered and passed out at a random persons house. I am not saying it is right, it is horrible, but lets use our intelligence if you can try. Don't put yourself in a stupid position. (and I am only talking about this particular scenario so don't start whining.) It is a sick world, full of morons with the intellectual capacity of a sponge. They have the ability to suck everything up, but its always nasty and disgusting and gross and probably let over ketchup from the corndogs I ate last night.

Yeah, you try and figure that one out.

It is time for a wake up call, time to take action. Stand up for your freedom, and you make the decision of what is right and wrong for you. If you don't like weed, don't smoke it. If you don't want to drink a 44 ounce soda, DONT FUCKING DO IT. But for Christ's sake, let the people who want to do their thing. Quit trying to control everyone else because you have a case of the butthurts.

I love you all, except for all of you.
