So here's a little backstory. My wife is a Christian, and I am an agnostic.
I have no say on whether or not God exists. I have no opinion. I have an open mind.
Let me change that, I had an open mind. If you are going to be sensitive to an OPINION, don't read this post. I am normally iffy on posting anything that has to do with religion, but I just had a change of heart so I am going to try it.
You can ask my wife, as big of an egotistical douche that I am, and despite what you may have interpreted from my blog, I am very open minded and accepting of others opinions. Granted, I might tell you that you should jump off a bridge, that is my opinion. I still respect what you have to say, as long as you are willing to stand by it. Especially with religion.
It has actually been pretty easy being with someone who has a lot of faith in God, just because her and I have a mutual understanding. I respect her views and she respects mine. I went as far to say that I think Addie should be raised in a Christian environment, because I don't want her to have the doubts that I do. If God doesn't exist, oh well were in the same boat. If he does, well I'm screwed.
I am not going to tell you God doesn't exist, because I do not know. All I ask is the same respect from you readers. If you tell me straight up he does, I will immediately block you, and move on with my life. If someone is ignorant enough to say that with a straight face, you have no business reading this blog. Please don't take this the wrong way. If you believe, I want you to believe with all of your heart and 99.999999999% certainty, but have an open mind to know that there is the slightest little itty bitty chance that maybe Buddha is the man.
I just heard multiple comments on how these tragedies are happening because we are pushing God out of our society. Out of schools, out of government, out of football Sunday, out of everything. This is absolutely absurd people. Bad things happen, because there are bad people in the world. THAT IS IT. It is called reality.
If you are Christian, you know the story of Adam and Eve. Great. I'm not going to pretend that I know it all by heart, but I do know man is expected to sin. Meaning, PEOPLE ARE GOING TO BE BAD. It is as simple as that. Also, with this point, what about the people that go to church every Sunday and Wednesday, praise until they can't lift their hands any higher, and spread the word of god. What happens when their daughter is killed in an auto accident on the way home from bible study? It can't possibly because she is pushing God away. I would think its because there was an idiot that was texting and not paying attention.
If this theory is correct, that means we as a country are pushing god away, thus bad things will happen. Well lets see, we have had 16 mass shootings recently......... I am pretty sure in Rwanda yesterday there was probably 22. I am pretty sure that ISREAL is in a holy war. I am pretty sure that THIS country has it much better off than anyone else in the world. We haven't exiled God.
There is a separation of church and state for a reason. It is to give everyone the respect to have a choice on what THEY as an individual want to believe without being persecuted for doing so. They haven't taken prayer out of schools, they just gave people the option to thank their own god in the way that they see fit.
All of this just makes me think we as a generation are slipping so far from reality that we wont be able to turn it around. I hope to, well I guess God, that he is real. I honestly do. I hope I have made a mistake for just not accepting it yet. But personally I will stray further away everything someone uses religion as a comfort because they have no way to accept what they can't comprehend.
Just think on this. Just give logical thinking a shot for one minute, and realize that I am not downing religion, I am not saying you are wrong for believing what you believe, and I am not claiming that I believe anything in particular. I just want people to stop covering up the fact that SHIT HAPPENS. It is the way of the world. It has been like this since the beginning of time.
Forever blown away,